Daniel Biddle
NDA22 Judge
Daniel Biddle
National Diversity Employment And Advisory Service Ltd
Daniel Biddle’s background is rooted in the construction industry, where he first went through an apprenticeship scheme as a brick layer and worked his way up through the management streams of construction, to become a construction manager.
Then at the age of 26, Daniel was seriously injured in the July 7th 2005 terrorist attacks in London, where he became the most seriously injured survivor of all 4 attacks, this resulted in loss of both his legs, an eye spleen and catalogue of life threatening injuries. After a year in hospital, he tried to rebuild his life and very quickly realised that the cards were stacked against him, so he retrained as an access consultant acquiring NRAC Consultancy status in 2007. Since that day, he has strived to put equity in the opportunities afforded to disabled people, through his passion Daniel believes that Equality is the destination we strive for, but Equity is the vehicle that can get us there.