We Too! SC045895

Community Organisation Award

Community Organisation Award for Disability: Sponsor - Direct Line Group

Nominee Profile

Location: Aberdeen
We Too! is a customer led organisation in Aberdeen City & Shire that empowers parent/carers of children with disabilities with a quarterly magazine and accessible sessions within the area.

The creation of Relaxed Sessions began 8 years ago when a local Mum became aware that many sessions were still not accessible as a social work referral was needed, or a diagnosis or some other criteria to access the events. To break down this barrier she created “Relaxed Sessions” throughout the area,

Relaxed Sessions are open to everyone, regardless of additional support need where everyone is treated as a customer and not a service-user. This benefits both the local community and shows the area as accessible to visitors too.

Within Aberdeen City & Shire there are now over 60 Relaxed Sessions a week that anyone can access that may benefit from a sensory adapted and compassionate environment.

In addition to this, We Too! also hosts the only bespoke parent/carer hub which operates as a drop in information and sensory centre as well as hosting training and support groups between the hours of Tuesday to Saturday from 1000-1400. This centre is run by parent/carers themselves who have relevant lived-in experience to share with the community as well as a listening ear and strong local and national knowledge.

We Too! seeks out to employ parent/carers who are often the best qualified to support and signpost parent/carers who are on the diagnosis pathway or newly diagnosed and seeking support. Often unemployed due to their caring responsibilities, we seek to address this and empower our “Ninja” team with a role beyond their caring commitments. We Too! currently employs 8 part-time Ninjas, who work 12 hours a week allowing them to balance their work and caring responsibilities.

Although we do have a “Chief Ninja” Phionna, we are all kept in check by our Founder who has been leading the charity since he was 7 years old and keeps us all very much on our toes!