Merseyside Police

Diverse Company Award

Diverse Company Award

Nominee Profile

Location: Liverpool
We have gone through a transformative journey - we are committed to becoming an anti-racist organisation and fostering a culture of inclusion and equity. We are addressing systemic and institutional issues that have been long standing and ensuring that cultural changes are embraced to create a better NOW and an even better future for colleagues and the community that we serve. We understand the importance of promoting inclusion and diversity and getting these imperative messages across at every level. We have taken bold and meaningful steps to drive change where all of our communities and colleagues feel valued, respected and empowered. We have created an inclusion board: This is where all senior leaders attend to influence, and make decisions that impact our inclusive culture. The board is chaired by an Assistant Chief Constable. At every board, we invite one of our staff networks along (we have several staff networks including LGBT+, Focus On Race and Ethnicity, Gender Equality, Faith groups, Disability and many more.) This enables us to hear from diverse voices keeping in line with inclusion and various perspectives. We have implemented key initiates by establishing an anti-racism training programme through the Police Race Action Plan which is done through the Anthony Walker Foundation. We have established a new Inclusion Wellbeing and engagement (IWE) team which was set up about two years ago. This team has implemented new initiatives and built strong relationships with teams across the organisation to embed an inclusive cultural change through organisational development in a positive way that people are embracing. Overall, Merseyside police has demonstrated a steadfast commitment to promoting inclusion and has made significant strides in advancing its anti-racism and rebuilding our relationships with communities which were previously severed. This dedication is being fostered internally also so that it can also be felt by the community.