Jenny Robinson

Positive Role Model Award

Positive Role Model Award for Disability: Sponsor - OVO Group

Nominee Profile

Location: Leeds
Hi my names Jenny Robinson. I have autism, learning disabilities, ehlers danlos syndrome which is a very rare condition so I'm in a wheelchair. I have several other conditions which makes life hard for me but I carry on with a smile on my face

I always try my 100% in everything I do to raise awareness on my condition, other people's conditions and to make the world more inclusive.

I volunteer at various charities including the leeds rhinos foundation where im a facilitator for the learning disability team which I love. I also play wheelchair rugby for them too. I volunteer at community intergrated care.

I sing at day centres and care homes with my disabled band Skyfallers which is my favourite thing to do. I love to see the smiles on their faces. I do all this voluntarily its made by the charity aspire who helps disabled people in the community

I also play powerchair football for Leeds Powerchair fc I'm in the first team in the country made of all women in the team were called AMAZONS we all feel like superheroes out there.

I also volunteer my own time drawing artwork for people, websites, logos and commissions all for charity. I did my own art exhibition recently which was amazing. I did it to show you no matter your disabilities you can achieve anything you can.

I want to make the world more accessible for disabled people the world is a scary place when your different but I want to speak up for people who can't speak for themselves to make sure they are treated fairy and equally.

I recently got a new role at people in Action as a member ambassador which means I'll help make decisions to make the company better for disabled people. Things that go well and things that dont. It's a amazing role I'm so excited to do!

I also did 2 10k runs for run for all in leeds for mnd, at society and eds UK. 1 of them I did in my manual wheelchair with my partner dec. The second one I did on my 3 wheeled trike. I raised hundreds of pounds it was worth the pain!