Austin Armacost
NDA23 Judge

Austin Armacost
LGBTQ+ Activist & TV personality
Austin is a globally recognized LGBTQ+ activist. He started his activism at the age of 14 against his anti-gay State Governor of Indiana, later known as Vice President Mike Pence. He has worked tirelessly to promote equality and fairness in regards to legislation for civil rights protection, trans recognition, military service, & marriage equality. Austin has been credited for bringing “same sex bi-national” marriage to the forefront of discussion ever since going public in 2010 on his hit television show.
After seeing many of his friends effected by HIV/AIDS…. Austin decided to help break down the negative social stigma he witnessed surrounding the disease. He continues to achieve this through education and awareness. Austin has been the celebrity face for National HIV Testing week here in the UK for several years and is also a long term donor to his hometown HIV/AIDS organisation ‘The Damien Center.’