2023 Shortlisted Nominee
Positive Role Model Award: LGBT
Lieutenant Commander Oliver Brown is a serving member of the Royal Navy, who in 2019, after an unfortunate incident, was diagnosed with HIV through a trial of opt-out testing at a London hospital. With a blanket ban in place that prevented those with HIV from joining the Armed Forces, Oli was declared ‘medically limited deployable’. Determined to turn his positive into a positive, Oli fiercely fought to dispel the stigma and myths surrounding those living with HIV. Speaking openly and candidly about the condition, and through his advocacy with the Government Equalities Office, the Department for Health, the Number 10 Policy Team, and his work with The Terance Higgins Trust, Oli was pivotal in a policy change that ensured any individual with HIV would no longer be excluded from the option to join the military. Thrust into the spotlight, Oli has become a leader in this arena with his actions changing attitudes and perspectives.