2022 Shortlisted Nominee
Positive Role Model Award: Age
An avid activist, Isabelle was in foster care from the age of 9 to 16 and experienced more trauma and heartbreak than most children ever should. During her time at University, Isabelle began to speak out vocally about her time in care and became a vocal ambassador for coram voice. She also co-founded Reclaim Care, a collective, safe space for care experienced people to exist together. Isabelle not only took on Tracy Beaker in her dissertation but developed a piece of spoken word about the care system and went on to achieve a First Class Honours Degree. She has recently written a chapter for a book, handed in a petition to number 10, been interviewed by ITV, BBC and the Guardian, and is running workshops across the UK for CEYP. In addition, Isabelle has launched a national organisation called “The Care Experienced Movement”, a movement for care experienced people to develop a care experienced organisation.