Zack Kerr

5th April 2022

2020 Winner

Positive Role Model Award for Disability

24 year old Zack has quadriplegic cerebral palsy, which he contracted at just 1 year old. This affects his speech, all four limbs and his ability to swallow. An inspirational disability campaigner, Zack has fought tirelessly for disabled facilities at service stations and launched the Changing Places campaign in 2017. Changing Places toilets includes adult-sized changing benches and hoists, allowing people with conditions like muscular dystrophy and cerebral palsy to use the bathroom safely and comfortably. The petition, which was signed by more than 140,000 people, convinced the government to install Changing Places Toilets at English motorway service stations across the country. With Zack at its helm, the Changing Places Campaign has secured millions of pounds of funding and there are now more than 1,400 Changing Places toilets in the UK, up from just 140 in 2007.