The Scottish Centre for Personal Safety

5th April 2022

2020 Winner

Community Organisation Award for Multi-Strand

This amazing charity provides personal safety, conflict resolution and practical self defence training to groups, businesses and individuals throughout the UK. Those benefitting from this vital service most are vulnerable people affected by Hate Crime. Personal Safety Courses have been developed specifically for female survivors of violence, the blind/visually impaired, LGBTI Groups, Ethnic Minority Groups and people with disabilities – This charity is truly diverse. These courses not only increase confidence but also lower anxiety levels and improve self-esteem allowing participants to live richer, fuller lives. With just 9 volunteer instructors, The Scottish Centre for Personal Safety has helped over 6,500 individuals to make significant changes to their lives. They have also trained 5 registered blind people to qualify as the UK’s first blind self defence instructors and are providing a safe haven for people who need refuge and counselling.